The dichotomy surrounding the COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus cannot be ignored. On one hand, some politicians say that government cannot force people to take it, and on the other hand Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties (PBI’s) finds ways to coerce the jab. Survival rate for all age groups is over 99% except for 70 plus at 94.6%. We continue to hear the drumbeat of “fear.” Draconian measures by corporations, i.e., Delta Airlines announces any employee not getting the vaccination will be charged $200/month. Douglas and Adams counties opt-out of the mask mandate from Tri-County Health which triggers Tri-County Health, unelected bureaucrats, to hold a meeting on mask mandates Monday. Check out Jay Davidson’s Op-Ed, The Issue is Private Sector Freedom (, which addresses monetary and fiscal policy. Jay is the founder and CEO of First American State Bank, and a sponsor of the show. Holly from the United States Election Integrity Project talks with Kim about election integrity in a podcast found here:
Pam Long, former Army Medical Services Corps Captain, reviews with Kim the military mandatory COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus vaccination policy that goes into effect today for all personnel, including those who are at the academies. Gov. Polis signed SB21-142, May 21, 2021 which states: Every person has a right to privacy with respect to personal health decisions, free from coercion or interference from the government. Pfizer-BioNTech is told by the FDA they can use “interchangeably” the newly licensed Comirnaty product with the EUA unlicensed vaccination. However, in the next breath they state that Comirnaty vaccination and the EUA unlicensed vaccination are “legally distinct.” Know what you are injecting into your body if you decide to get the vaccination. In fact, Comirnaty has not yet hit the shelves, and there is very limited availability as acknowledged by the FDA; meanwhile there is an abundant supply of the Pfizer EUA vaccination. Pam warns liability concerns are important. Israel shows that natural immunity is the best defense against COVID-19. The vaccination is only showing 40% efficacy.
Guest retired Army Major General Joe Arbuckle and Kim discuss the humiliation America is experiencing due to the ineptness of the Commander in Chief, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other top officials regarding the removal of troops in Afghanistan. Major General Arbuckle calls for resignations as a starting point. Their action was politically driven. This is an untenable situation placed upon our troops. It is terrible military strategy to give information to the enemy, including lists of names of Americans and those who were translators and other support personnel. This is Saigon on steroids. The loss of thirteen American lives is heartbreaking and should never have happened. Over the last thirty years political correctness has infiltrated our troops and is now accepted by senior leadership; “wokeness” is a distraction to our military forces. Major General Arbuckle and 90 other retired senior officers have signed a letter asking for accountability of top military personnel regarding their actions in Afghanistan. This type of letter is unprecedented. Major General Arbuckle also references another letter written and signed by hundreds of senior retired officers, and asks that you join them in defending our Constitutional Republic. The letter can be found at Be aware of what is happening and get involved. We must defend the U.S. Constitution, specifically the 1st Amendment that protects our freedom of religion and stops censorship.
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