Are Both Sides Espousing a False Narrative?

January 20, 2022 00:56:30
Are Both Sides Espousing a False Narrative?
The Kim Monson Show
Are Both Sides Espousing a False Narrative?

Jan 20 2022 | 00:56:30


Show Notes

Kim comments that The Federal Reserve has intentionally kept interest rates low, hurting investors holding investments like CD’s.  There are very few spots left for the Media Training Workshop scheduled for February 19, 2022.  Kim and Helen Raleigh, author and Senior Contributor to The Federalist, will center in on messaging, what to do if you get caught in a “gotcha,” and assistance on audio and video interviews.  Information can be found here.  Additionally, Kim and Marshall Dawson will co-moderate the Republican Senate Candidate Forum on January 29, 2022, at 7pm.  Click here for more information on this event.  America’s Veteran’s Stories this Sunday features Betty Cranmer and her daughter Susan Gorman.  Betty lived in Britain during World War II and she describes the Battle of Britain.  The show broadcasts 3-4pm on KLZ 560 FM, KLZ 100.7 FM, KLZ website, and the KLZ app.  Additional shows can be heard Sunday 10-11pm, and Saturday 10-11pm.   Kim remarks on the Bill of the Day, SB22-009 Recertification And Theft Of Catalytic Converters.  We do not need to pass legislation that gives bureaucrats more control, i.e., the Air Quality Commission.  Instead we must address the real issue which is increased crime in our communities.  SB22-009 is a band-aid on a gaping wound.  Kim quickly reviews some of the topics that will be discussed in K-12 if the Colorado State Board of Education enacts proposed changes.  Kim encourages listeners to say no; email your comments to [email protected].  The new social studies curriculum is a backdoor to CRT, Critical Race Theory.

Lorne Levy, sponsor of both of Kim’s shows and mortgage specialist with Polygon Financial, 303-880-8881, reports that interest rates have increased and mortgage rates are now around 3.5%.  This goes back to pre-COVID rates.  Procrastinators are now paying attention to rates and thinking of buying a home or refinancing before rates go higher.  Investors are already anticipating the Fed’s February meeting.  Give Lorne a call to discuss mortgage rates, refinancing or reverse mortgages.

Guest Peder Zane, author of The Psychodrama of American Politics, draws robust comments from Kim with his very first sentence, “Democrats have a point when they complain that our elections are rigged against them.”  Peder continues that the beauty of America is that it protects the minority.  He states that both sides are espousing false narratives.  On the right, he centers his attention on Trump and his supporters claiming the 2020 election was stolen.  On the left, Peder discusses Biden’s policies and the withdrawal from Afghanistan as the mainstream media has protected Biden with their false narrative claims.  Peder does acknowledge that there were election irregularities, including ballot harvesting and signatures not matching verification, in the 2020 election.  Kim remarks that tyranny uses confusion and chaos to implement their agenda.  Voters must be knowledgeable on the voting issues.  Kim and Pence debate the usage and efficacy of COVID-19

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