Kim recognizes the deep divide happening with law enforcement focus in the Denver metro area. JeffCO police are on hand to make sure attendees at a Christmas event have masks on. Meanwhile, Denver’s Union Station has become a crime ridden area with risks to RTD passengers, vendors and property values. The recent FBI raid on America’s Mom Sherronna Bishop is another travesty regarding protection of personal rights. The America’s Veteran’s Stories featuring Marine Veteran Marty Letellier who served in the Korean War, the “Forgotten War,” and fought at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, November 27-December 13, 1940, airs this Sunday. The show broadcasts 3-4pm on KLZ 560 FM, KLZ 100.7 FM, the KLZ website, and the KLZ app. Additional shows air on Saturday and Sunday night at 10pm featuring other veterans. Kim asks listeners to read HR 550, a bill “To amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to immunization system data modernization and expansion, and for other purposes.” Then call your Senators and Congressional representatives to voice your concern and stop this terrible piece of legislation. This is yet another assault by the federal government and bureaucratic agencies to take away your freedom.
Mary Alpers, co-owner of Three Points Financial, agrees with Kim that failure is part of life and we must teach this to our children along with humility. Mary’s firm is a fee-only firm. Three Points Financial services include investments, tax planning and financial estate planning. Mary is now helping clients strategize as the tax year is coming to a close. Mary explains the advantage of “Donor Advanced Funds.” Contact Three Points Financial to set a meeting and strategize for year-end finances.
America is under attack, specifically Caucasian Americans through the manipulation of blacks, with our children as the prize. Cain has set up a task force and can be reached at [email protected]. His group is assisting parents who need help and has three main objectives: hear complaints of people regarding CRT, address schools on a monthly basis and co-ordinate with parents who want to homeschool their children. Today his group is holding a rally outside Loveland High School. He also seeks a law firm to represent families fighting CRT in their schools and communities.
Guest Lauren Fix, the Car Coach, discusses the “kill switch” that will be in all cars by 2026 per the Build Back Better bill unless we fight back and contact our Senators and Congressional representatives to have this eliminated. The kill switch will have the capability to monitor your movements and automatically turn your car off if the AI (artificial intelligence) deems you not able to drive. Additionally, it will have the capacity to record all conversations in your car and the conversations can be turned over to third parties. As Kim and Lauren note, this is against the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments and privacy rights. Progressives are reverting back to British King George’s tyranny. Lauren succinctly states that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg lacks common sense and his thought process is highly questionable when he makes statements like “roads are racist.” Buttigieg has no understanding of the issues when he attempts to talk about EVs, Electric Vehicles, and instituting policies favoring EVs. Government induced policies are destroying local automobile franchises, the gas and oil industry and the economy. Lauren encourages everyone to start reading bills, become informed, and contact your local, state and federal representatives before it is too late. Get involved!
Cathy Russell is an evolutionary biologist who specializes in evolutionary microbiology. She has made significant contributions to her field and is the author of...
Expect Kim’s Voters Guide to be in your Sunday newsletter. Kim will be analyzing the three statewide questions and school board races. We do...
Adam Andrzejewski, founder and CEO of Open the Books, delves into financial assistance the U.S. has given to WHO (World Health Organization), a total...