Former Senator Kevin Lundberg sheds light on an unelected and unaccountable bureaucratic department out of control, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Matthew Durkin, Candidate for Jefferson County DA, discusses safety within our communities. Lorne Levy from Polygon Financial discusses current mortgage rates. Positive Story of the Day: How C.S. Lewis Would Tell Us to Handle Coronavirus.
The post Bureaucracy Out of Control in Colorado appeared first on The Kim Monson Show.
American Institute for Economic Research Distinguished Fellow Samuel Gregg discusses his recent essay, Why It Isn’t Mad to Oppose the WEF. istinguished Fellow Samuel...
Nephi Cole talks on Colorado laws affecting self-defense. Robert Farnham discusses bills impacting CO farmers & ranchers.
Susan Kochevar, owner of the Historic 88 Drive-In Theatre, joins Kim in studio to discuss how Colorado has become the petri dish for national...