Thank you to my good friend Helen Jean Mitchell for her sponsorship of the Kim Monson Show.
Kim and producer Steve are joined in studio by Helen Jean Mitchell, sponsor of the broadcast, to discuss censorship. The radical left lacks intellectual curiosity and does not want to be challenged on their ideas. The battle of the narrative and attacks on “conservatives” is seen as far back as the 19th century. SB21-205 2021-22 Long Appropriations Bill budget of $34.1 billion is 11% higher than the current year. “Economic resiliency” is questioned while Kim references the World Economic Forum byline, “Build Back Better,” to current Colorado and national policies. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen proposes a global minimum tax to the G-20 while Biden’s Infrastructure Package raises the corporate tax to 28%. Most believe the global minimum tax is to prevent U.S. corporations from fleeing to other countries as they have done in the past. Kim emphasizes the NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organization) pay no taxes.
Jason McBride, Vice President with Presidential Wealth Management, expresses no surprise regarding Yellen’s proposal. There is no better way to control corporations than through taxes, rules and regulations, etc. Many of the larger corporations are highly interconnected with the government and will most likely be granted exemptions, once again picking winners and losers and shrinking the business community. It is important to plan now before policy consequences hit your portfolio. Valuations are 2 to 3 times higher than normal and predictions include a hard decline for the market at some point. Give Jason a call at 303-694-1600 to discuss your portfolio to examine if you are protected from a severe adjustment in the markets.
Guest Sharyl Attkisson, host of Full Measure and author of numerous books including her latest, Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism, joins Kim and Helen to discuss censorship and toll roads. Censorship is an organized campaign to curate our information to control our thinking. No longer secretive about this, the media openly admits they are banning opposing views. This is done in desperation because too many people are not listening to the special interests which were clearly visible in the number of people voting for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Journalism itself is redefining its role and reveals its mission with comments like, “good that neutrality is being eliminated.” Even Lester Holt, when receiving the Edward R. Morrow award, states, “fairness is overrated.” Sharyl recently filed a new lawsuit against the DOJ regarding her investigative story on Fast and Furious; the DOJ continuously puts up roadblocks hoping she will go away. Dynamic tolling is coming to your community, it’s just a matter of time. Follow the money as these sliding tolls are highly unpopular with the general public but loved by politicians. Sharyl concludes that we should not live in the box called the internet. Do not give up. Stand up for our country and our right of freedom.
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