Closing Colorado's Republican Primary

August 17, 2021 00:56:11
Closing Colorado's Republican Primary
The Kim Monson Show
Closing Colorado's Republican Primary

Aug 17 2021 | 00:56:11


Show Notes

Peg Cage and Anil Mathai join Kim for an educational discussion on open primaries vs closed primaries.  Their goal is to close the Republican primary and return the Republican Party back to Republicans and keep the “Republic.”  Polis will pay students at all state K-12 schools between $5-$25 per week to voluntarily sign up for frequent COVID-19/China-Wuhan virus testing.  There is a significant decrease in Colorado student academic achievement reported by Colorado Department of Education.  Initiative 25:  LEAP, Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program, is a new parallel public school system that is run by an Authority that is unelected and unaccountable to the voters, to the state legislature or the Colorado Department of Education.  Also, it de-TABOR’s (Colorado’s Taxpayers Bill of Rights) excess revenue.

Helen Raleigh, author of Backlash: How China’s Aggression Has Backfired and numerous articles in various publications including The Federalist, comments on the complete failure of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Biden has destroyed all credibility between America and her allies.  The terrorist threat is heightened as America cannot control one airport.  There are serious implications with Biden’s actions.  Power supersedes the values of America, including the inability of getting all Americans out of Afghanistan.  We have thousands trapped behind the Taliban line.  America’s loss is China’s gain.  Our hard-earned dollars have now provided weapons and equipment to the Taliban.  Vote!  Elections have consequences.

Peg and Anil explain how both open primaries and a 75% mandated vote to overturn open primaries are unconstitutional.  Colorado Proposition 108 was passed by voters in 2016, 53.27% to 46.73%, in favor of open primaries.  This proposition allows unaffiliateds to vote in Republican or Democrat primaries.  On September 18th, The Republican State Central Committee composed of 520 members, will vote on whether or not open primaries should be discontinued for the 2022 Republican primary and closed GOP primaries take its place.  The argument that open primaries help Republicans get elected is false.  Tremendous amounts of money, in the millions by elites, have been used to get Proposition 108 passed.  Go to to learn more about open and closed primaries, and how you can help to sue and get open primaries overturned at the Supreme Court.  Note that California had a similar case in 2000 and the Supreme Court ruled against open primaries.  We must elect candidates that we can trust.  The Republican Party must be held accountable.

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