Why does Colorado’s COVID-19/Wuhan Virus updated “Standard of Care” decree issued on April 5, 2020, not include the patient or family representative nor a patient advocate? Does a patient advocate advocate for the patient or are they typically representing the hospital’s best interests? Dr. Jill explains the difference between Socrates' Hippocratic Oath and Plato’s view of rationing limited resources. Jill shares a golden nugget of wisdom: “In order for government Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties (PBI’s) to take care of you, they will want to take control of you.”
The post Episode 19: Dr. Jill Vecchio appeared first on The Kim Monson Show.
The Civil War Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1 through July 3, 1863. Princeton Professor Allen Guelzo shares details of the battle that...
Josh Philipp of The Epoch Times joins Kim to discuss the revelation that the People's Republic Army is behind the hacking of Equifax. Jason...
Liberty Toastmasters discuss the four parts to being a citizen; self-restraint, self-reliance, self-assertion, and civic knowledge. heryl and her husband Casper Stockham discuss their...