Episode 21: Steve Reiter

June 04, 2020 01:10:59
Episode 21: Steve Reiter
The Kim Monson Show
Episode 21: Steve Reiter

Jun 04 2020 | 01:10:59


Show Notes

Elizabeth Reiter spent 21 days in the hospital. During those 21 days she was denied in person visits with her husband, children, friends and family. On the 20th day of her hospital stay, Elizabeth Reiter was making plans to go home. On the 21st day, 40 year old Elizabeth Reiter died alone. Steve Reiter shares his heart-wrenching story. Both he and Elizabeth tested negative for COVID-19. Hospital staff said “NO” visits. Steve had Personal Protection gear. Hospital staff said “NO” visits. Elizabeth was clearly depressed on Mother’s Day. Hospital staff said “NO” visits.

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