Episode 60: Dr. Jill Vecchio

January 08, 2021 00:50:25
Episode 60: Dr. Jill Vecchio
The Kim Monson Show
Episode 60: Dr. Jill Vecchio

Jan 08 2021 | 00:50:25


Show Notes

Ka-ching! Follow the money! In this Sounding Off with Kim Monson podcast, Dr. Jill Vecchio shares what she learned when she went to Washington. She begins with her healthcare policy work with Docs 4 Patient Care. Dr. Jill explains that the American People have been sold out by career Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties (PBI’s); however, the American People are waking up. You’ll learn about a milker bill and a double milker bill. Who is the cow and who is at the teat? Find out in this very important podcast.

The post Episode 60: Dr. Jill Vecchio appeared first on The Kim Monson Show.

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