Newsom retains his governorship. California had the opportunity to improve their lives and did not. Instead, the entrenched left will continue on. This Sunday on America’s Veterans Stories Kim interviews Marine Veteran Captain Doug Chamberlain, author of Bury Him: A Memoir of the Vietnam War. The show can be heard at 3pm and 10pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7FM. Our country is in deep peril. The U.S. Constitution is under attack. On the November Colorado ballot proposition LEAP, Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program, is a NO vote. We do not need another unelected, unaccountable authority board that is picked by the governor, the board picks the vendors, the board picks their replacements and the board will have the authority to increase taxes. Classroom time must be spent on reading, writing, math, science, history, civics and critical thinking skills, not adult politics. Keep Colorado SB21-142 in your pocket that specifically states in section 1(e): Every person has a right to privacy with respect to personal health decisions, free from coercion or interference from the government.
Casper Stockham joins Kim to discuss America First Republicans’ upcoming advance training class, beginning September 25th, for candidates and those that want to work on campaigns. We need more informed warriors in the fight. Participants will be more confident on the campaign trail upon completion. For more details visit Aaron Salt is a candidate for School District 20 in El Paso. We need good people, strong leaders and a push against the socialist agenda. Aaron is against CRT, Critical Race Theory, because it is based on Marxist doctrine, is false, and it is divisive. Aaron believes parents need a voice in the school district as studies show the key ingredient for student success in parental involvement. Donate or volunteer for Aaron at
Lorne Levy, show sponsor and mortgage specialist at Polygon Financial, discusses rising inflation that the government induces via policy. To date, mortgages have not been affected by inflation. Give Lorne a call at 303-880-8881 to discuss your mortgage, refinance or reverse mortgage possibilities.
Guest Tom Goodfellow, founder of U.S. Constitution Week, joins Kim to update listeners on activities throughout the week. The highlight will be Saturday with Joshua Dunn’s presentation followed by a parade with a flyover. The biggest problem we have today is the absence of “virtue.” Tom quotes Benjamin Franklin, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” Tom states that Brenda Bock, Grand County Coroner, will receive the American Patriot Award for fighting to correct the classification of two deaths in November 2020 as the actual cause which was death by gunshot wounds. The state of Colorado is still reporting cause of death as COVID-19. Brenda succinctly states, “Just because it is consistently wrong doesn’t make it right.” Tom concludes that what is happening is nefarious. People must wake up and act to defend our Constitutional rights.
Trent Loos notes that if the people in Denver and Boulder want gray wolves in Colorado, then they should have them introduced in their...
What could go wrong with Radio Frequency Identification implemented in our kid’s student IDs and/or bus passes? Author Pam Long explains that there is...
Author Pam Long notes that in the wake of multiple shootings involving people with gender dysphoria, it is appropriate to discuss the mental health...