Hope of the Cross

April 02, 2021 00:56:36
Hope of the Cross
The Kim Monson Show
Hope of the Cross

Apr 02 2021 | 00:56:36


Show Notes

Today is a special Friday, Good Friday. Sunday brings us Hope, Happy Easter!  Christ does not push people to accept Him but gives people the free will to choose.  Freedom and Liberty are different.  Liberty is the responsible exercise of freedom. Liberty is what the Founders were referring to when they used the word Freedom. Pope John Paul II and Thomas Sowell are each discussed.  Georgia works to secure election integrity and is met with opposition from corporations and lies from mainstream media.  Colorado Democrats kill five Republican bills to ensure election integrity.

Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool (castlegate.com), is an avid supporter our active duty military, veterans and first responders.  On a daily basis he offers a 10% discount to all three.  Hal gives both his time and money to the National Honor Tour (nationalhonortour.org).  This organization ensures that no service member has a memorial funeral service without “Taps” played. They are also playing “Taps” at the grave site of each Medal of Honor recipient.  Hal encourages listeners to go to the website and list a name that you would like honored at Ft. Logan.

Kim and Producer Steve continue their discussion regarding election integrity. The MLB may pull the All Star Game from Georgia and the PGA may pull the Masters from Augusta.  Kim wonders if the people who vote do their homework.  The voter suppression narrative is really about nullifying everyday people’s vote.  HB21-1054 Housing Public Benefit Verification Requirement would eliminate the disclosure of immigration status for housing assistance.  Kim remarks that it is another way to take money from hard-working citizens to give to illegal immigrants regardless of statements on “justice.” Everyday Americans are having a difficult time paying for their own housing.

Jason McBride, Senior Vice President with Presidential Wealth Management, reminds listeners that the market is closed on Good Friday. He also comments that the word “justice” has been taken over by the left using it to accuse most Americans of being racist and bad, therefore we must pay our hard-earned money to someone else.  Kim interjects that this is the war on language and cites “Democratic” as another word incorrectly used.  Also note that Lady Justice is blind.  With many of us facing “unknowns” in the political arena and the stock market at record highs, it may be time to convert some holdings into cash.  Give Jason a call at 303-694-1600 to discuss if this is a strategy for your portfolio.

Guest Chris Stefanick, founder of Real Life Catholic (reallifecatholic.com), joins Kim on Good Friday to discuss the Hope of the Cross.  People are becoming more introspective, searching out faith. When we have hard times, it’s usually because God has stepped back and leaves us to the consequences of our decisions. This is the real wrath of God.  People are experiencing emptiness without God. Religion is the frame of how an individual views the world. “God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son.”  Good Friday and Easter Sunday are why each individual exists and has a purpose. Christ’s sacrifice shows you are worth dying for.  Wokeism is really about power dynamics and uses the oppressed and the oppressor narrative. Repentance of our nation and repentance each person is necessary to continue the American Idea for our next generations. God offers loves us and wants a relationship with each and everyone of us. Archbishop Chaput asks, “What are we willing to die for?” Could it be love for our country?

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