Join Kim at Grand Lake’s U.S. Constitution Week main event, Saturday, September 18th. Visit for all the details. The government is “out of their lane!” “We the People” must elect representatives that will stand for freedom and liberty. The Newsom recall in California has become of interest to the entire nation. Vote NO! on the proposed Lone Tree 55% retail sales tax increase.
Casper Stockham, founder of America First Republicans, invites listeners to his next class that starts September 25th. There will be fundraisers throughout the weekend in remembrance of 9/11 starting with an event in Parker on Friday, then a VIP breakfast with clay shooting on Saturday, and ending in Colorado Springs in the evening. Check the website for all details. Lorne Levy, mortgage specialist with Polygon Financial Group, is a professional who assists people with traditional mortgages, refinances and reverse mortgages. Inflation is raring it’s ugly head, especially in price increases for gas and groceries. Lorne notes that rates remain steady but there is a potential for mortgage rate increases in the fall. Give Lorne a call at 303-880-8881 for advice.
Sandra Bankes declared her candidacy for School Board District 11 in Colorado Springs to reclaim common sense and freedom in the school district. There is too much force exhibited in school districts today, especially in accepting ideology proclaimed by politicians and unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Sandra shares her own experience in a teacher’s training exercise to explain. These trainings do not empower teachers to teach students resilience and confidence. Parents now understand what is being taught to our kids by witnessing last year’s Zoom classes. Parents are calling for a reversal. Learn more about Sandra at
Kim’s guest today wishes to remain anonymous in fear that she could potentially lose her job if her identity is revealed. A sad statement in itself. Our guest lived in Spain under the realm of socialism, not democracy as the country tries to espouse. Under socialism you quickly realize that you are just a number that is easily replaceable. Spain is all about power held for a select few. Success and meritocracy are non-existent. This is seen in so many ways, including owning your own business is nearly impossible as you need to know the “right people.” Spain’s universal healthcare system which is run by the government is taxed excessively, has long waits for treatment, the government decides what treatments will be administered, and doctors have no incentive to perform exceptionally. Lenin said, if you want to control the people control their healthcare. Lenin also said, to destroy the middle class, put it between the “millstones of taxation and inflation.” There is hope as people are waking up. Be alert! Know when the government is using policies against us and fight back.
Various members of the Liberty Toastmasters Clubs join Kim to discuss The Right to Violate Rights. Sue Moore joins Kim to discuss current bills...
Kim and Producer Steve remark that human nature is constant. America is a Democratic Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Democracies descend into mob rule....
Richard Baris, Managing Director with Big Data Poll, joins Kim and is very optimistic on polling favoring Trump. As Richard takes listeners through an...