LEAP Into Higher Taxes: Colorado Initiative 25

July 23, 2021 00:57:11
LEAP Into Higher Taxes: Colorado Initiative 25
The Kim Monson Show
LEAP Into Higher Taxes: Colorado Initiative 25

Jul 23 2021 | 00:57:11


Show Notes

American Veterans Stories features two veterans, Jimmy Nishimura who was drafted into the army and served during the Vietnam War, and John Sagers, a WWII veteran who was stationed at a lighthouse off the coast of Oregon. Listen to Jimmy and John’s interviews this Sunday at 3pm and 10pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM. Legislation often includes complex language that complicates understanding by the busy average person. Is this intentional? All politics are local. The mayor and city council of the City of Lone Tree, using the Delphi Technique, advocate for a 66% increase in the retail city sales tax.

Susan Rice, the director of Biden’s Domestic Policy, is ordered to sell her stake, worth millions, in Enbridge, a Canadian energy firm. Biden gives his approval to Putin’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline while destroying the oil energy sector here in America. Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool, announces a new service, knife sharpening. Hal reminds veterans, current military and first responders that they are eligible for a 10% discount every day.

Frequent guest and blogger at toadvancefreedom.com Rick Turnquist joins Kim to discuss Initiative 25: LEAP, Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program. Kim instantly explains that the ballot title language is inconsistent with the actual Initiative 25 language. Important elements are missing that are key in the initiative itself. Ballot title language refers to an independent state agency which in reality is an authority that is unelected and unaccountable to the voters, the legislature or the Department of Education. Ballot title language refers to a additional 5% retail marijuana tax in 2024, however the actual initiative states the tax can be raised as high as 15% after 2024. Ballot title language says “chosen by parents.” This is extremely misleading as parents can only choose from a list of pre-selected vendors chosen by the Authority. Ballot title language completely omits that “mental, physical and emotional health counseling services will be provided under this ballot initiative. Be informed. Read Rick’s op-ed, LEAP Into Higher Taxes: Colorado Initiative 25 along with Kim’s and Patti Kurgan’s op-eds published at kimmonson.com. Knowledge is power. Do not be deceived by their intentionally convoluted and confusing language. Decline to sign if approached by a canvasser to sign the petition.

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