Make Your Vote Count

November 03, 2021 00:56:03
Make Your Vote Count
The Kim Monson Show
Make Your Vote Count

Nov 03 2021 | 00:56:03


Show Notes

Election Day.  Vote!  Vote against those who will take away your freedom and your money through excessive taxation and vote for those who will represent us, “We the People!”  Track your ballot here.  On America’s Veterans Stories this coming Sunday Kim interviews Marine Veteran Rick McFadden.  In honor of the Marine Corps’ birthday, November 10, Rick brings to life the history of the Marine Corps.  Remember Veterans’ Day is November 11th.  Hear the show at 3pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM.  Kim notes a correction on contributions to City of Lone Tree Ballot Question 2E.  The $2,500.00 reported from Colorado Community Media was an expense, not a contribution.  Proposition 119:  LEAP, Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program, is a strong NO for many reasons, including it is antithetical to representative government.

Gary Houser, grassroot activist supporting Centennial City Council candidate Robyn Carnes, brings to light the far-left leanings of her opponent Fernando Branch running as member of the Working Families Party.  Branch has 60% of all contributions coming from outside Colorado.  This is in deep contrast to Robyn’s 92% of contributions coming from within Colorado.  Additionally, Gary cites that Branch was chosen by outside operatives and has been trained by the far-left group Run for Something.  Branch wants “radical change” for Centennial.  Robyn is looking to enhance the city’s standing as one of the top 8 places to live in the nation.  Centennial is not broken and does not need the changes proclaimed by Branch.  Jono Scott is a candidate for Aurora City Council Ward 3.  He endorses the slate of Bill Gondrez for Ward 1, Steve Sundberg for Ward 2, Dustin Zvonek for open seat, Danielle Jurinsky for open seat and himself, and not the candidates from the Working Families Party, which is a radical far-left political organization.  Jono encourages us to get involved and has four things to do:  Study Up; Show Up; Stand Up and; Speak Up!

Yvonne from Fort Collins reports on the success of the rally yesterday against forced masking for all and a forced vaccination verification program introduced by the Larimer County Board of Health with the support of the County Commissioners.  If implemented, these regulations would be unlawful and unconstitutional.  Speak Up!  Stand Up!  This is just the beginning and we must stop it now.  Is this our Lexington and Concord moment?

Guest Adam Andrzejewski, founder of Open the Books, shares his thoughts about  Proposition 119:  LEAP, the proposed new marijuana tax “for the children.”  He adamantly states that the Democrats want to put in a permanent government that cannot be changed and is unaccountable to any entity.  Prop 119 is “legalized money laundering.”  Kim interjects that there are “conservatives” backing this as well.  Adam states that Reagan took a stab at the administrative state and it was Trump during his first two years that really hit the “swamp.”  Unfortunately, with COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus, the swamp was enlarged.  There are over 1.4 million federal executive employees making over $100,000/year with 44 vacation days after 3 years of employment.  If Biden’s vaccination mandate for businesses is implemented the regulatory state will be unleashed to fine non-compliant businesses up to $700,000.  We must defeat the Build Back Better Act.  “Bring the heat in order to see the light.”  Fauci is the highest paid federal employee.  Open the Books FOIA requests have all been ignored but one.  The one exhibited the “gain of function” grants.  Open the Books and Judicial Watch have jointly filed additional FOIAs to see all Fauci financial documents and all royalties paid to NIH employees. Kim and Adam discuss Attorney General Merrick Garland and his son-in-law’s company Panorama Education.  FOIAs have been filed for additional financial information.  It is known that the company has contracts with schools to teach CRT, Critical Race Theory, in all 50 states reaching 13 million students.  It has been revealed that Steve Job’s wife and the Zuckenberg’s have donated to the company to support CRT programing.  As a final topic, Adam looks at Ivy League endowments.  In 2021, collectively, the endowments increased $44 billion.  In 27 years, the endowments may well be over $1 trillion.  Why are they charging $90,000 for tuition and fees?  A better question, why are they receiving $42 billion in tax breaks and government subsidies from hard working, everyday people?  In essence, the Ivy League is taxing you!  As a final note, Adam encourages everyone to sign his petition that would call for all members of Congress to read a bill before voting.

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