Minimum Wage Fail

April 30, 2021 00:56:51
Minimum Wage Fail
The Kim Monson Show
Minimum Wage Fail

Apr 30 2021 | 00:56:51


Show Notes

It’s Turnquist Friday!  Rick Turnquist, blogger and author, joins Kim in studio to discuss the intentional misleading narrative regarding forced minimum wages and his featured op-ed, Minimum Wage Fail (  Minimum wage jobs are a means to learn skills and gain experience for future, better paying jobs.  HB21-175 Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board is all about price controls.

Hal Van Hercke, founder and owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool (, addresses minimum wage.  It is appalling that politicians continue their assault on small business while having no business experience themselves when pursuing more draconian policies.  Minimum wage can easily wipe out the average profit of 7% for many small businesses.  If entry level job salaries are increased, everyone above them will be looking for an increase as well.  Employers will look to job reductions, automated jobs and delayed hiring to preserve their businesses if forced minimum wages are implemented.

Dr. Jill Vecchio, radiologist saving lives and informing listeners weekly on important medical issues, discusses new proposed HIPAA rules.  Dr. Vecchio summarizes the new proposed changes and the results of the changes including phone vendors will not be restricted by HIPAA and the patient’s medical records will no longer have restricted access.  Visit this link to read the proposed changes:  Dr. Vecchio encourages people to make comments.  Comments are due by May 6, 2021.  On page 2 of the document the following information is given:

You may submit comments to this proposed rule, identified by RIN 0945-AA00 by any of the following methods:

Federal eRulemaking Portal

You may submit comments to this proposed rule, identified by RIN 0945-AA00 by any of the following methods:

You may submit electronic comments at Federal Register: Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule To Support, and Remove Barriers to, Coordinated Care and Individual Engagement

Regular, Express, or Overnight Mail: You may mail comments to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, Attention: Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support, and Remove Barriers to, Coordinated Care and Individual Engagement NPRM, RIN 0945- AA00, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Room 509F, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201.


Jason McBride, Senior Vice President with Presidential Wealth Management, comments on annuities.  Jason can sift through the verbal complexity so you can have a complete understanding of annuities and the benefits that can be advantageous to your financial portfolio.  Give Jason a call at 303-694-1600 to set up an appointment to discuss a financial portfolio with the inclusion of an annuity.

Kim and Steve review Sunday’s America’s Veteran’s Stories.  Interviewed are two Vietnam veterans that are highlighted in the book, Echoes of Our War:  Vietnam Veterans Reflect Fifty Years Later.  Tune in at 3pm on KLZ or listen to the rebroadcast at 10pm.

Rick and Kim continue their discussion regarding minimum wage.  Policy produces the exact opposite of what Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties (PBIs) state will happen. Minimum wage brings about job reductions.  The true benefactors of increased minimum wage are unions and the government.    The unions collect higher dues based on higher wages and the government gets higher payroll taxes and sales taxes (businesses charge more for goods/services to cover the additional costs).  Rick says we can turn this around by educating students and workers about free markets and the usage of blunt force by the government and voting informing oneself so that you can vote intelligently.

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