Show sponsor and mortgage specialist Lorne Levy with Polygon Financial Group, 303-880-8881, is in studio with Kim. Army World War II Veteran Lou Zoghby joins Kim on America’s Veteran’s Stories this Sunday. The show broadcasts 3-4pm on KLZ 560 FM, KLZ 100.7 FM, the KLZ website, and the KLZ app. Kim highly recommends listeners tune into Reggie Carr’s new show I’m a Uniter Friday mornings, 9-10am on KLZ. Today’s quote by St. Augustine explains how human nature does not change. California Rep. Adam Schiff is caught doctoring text messages between Rep. Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan during a January 6th committee hearing. Where is the outrage? People in San Francisco leave their car windows, doors and trunks open so their cars are not damaged when someone tries to break into the vehicles. New York City Bank of America tells employees to underdress so they are not bringing attention to themselves and potential crime.
Pastor Jim Tarr with the Cornerstone Church and School in Basalt explains the religious discrimination he and school parents have experienced by Eagle Country in regards to COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus mandates, specifically mask mandates. The school and church maintain their belief in the Sixth Commandment, honor your mother and father. Parents have the right to choose what is best for their children, regardless of what mandates bureaucrats at local health departments and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment put in place. With 100 students in the school ranging in age from infancy to high school, there is no way they can reach the mandated 80% vaccination status for the school. Hear the passion in Pastor Tarr’s voice as he fights against tyranny. Legal bills are mounting and if you can help please visit Give Send Go. They have lost half of their student enrollment.
Karen Levine, award winning realtor with RE/MAX Alliance, 303-877-7516, joins Lorne and Kim to discuss mortgage rates and housing shortages throughout the nation. Lorne states that the Federal Reserve has now realized that inflation is not “transitory.” In fact, the Federal Reserve is looking at raising rates 2-3 times in 2022. All the dollars being flushed into the economy have resulted in the deflation of people’s money. In this challenging housing market Karen has helped buyers and sellers navigate the tight supply of homes through creativity and preparation. Issues that homeowners must understand are available options. Most importantly, homeownership builds wealth for the individuals. There is still opportunity with the record low mortgage rates. Karen states you need patience and the ability to act quickly if you find a home. Kim, Lorne and Karen discuss the impact of COVID-19 deaths on housing. Another point discussed is the impact of Freddie and Fannie Mac’s lending for housing. Pre-2008 they were both traded on the stock market but today the government owns them. Karen is optimistic that as Americans we are creative and innovative. She gives thanks for her blessings in 2021 and looks forward to 2022.
Guest Marshall Dawson, President of Liberty Toastmasters North, joins Kim to discuss Freedom vs. Force, Force vs. Freedom. Priscilla Rahn shares her thoughts as...
Guest Laura Perrotta, President of the American Highway Users Alliance, reviews the Highway Users Tax Fund. Andi Buerger, founder of Voices Against Trafficking, talks...
In this essay former Captain in the Army Medical Service Corps Pam Long addresses (1) the urban legend of marijuana, (2) the medical power...