“Yesterday, December 7th, 1941–a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” These are the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt the day after the attack eighty years ago. 2,403 Americans died (1,177 were on the USS Arizona), 18 ships were damaged, two U.S. Navy battleships, the USS Arizona and USS Utah were sunk, and 180 aircraft were destroyed. Why is this not taught in America’s classrooms and why does mainstream media ignore this historic moment? Kim reflects on her father’s cousin who died at Pearl Harbor and his remains have just been recently identified. He was on the USS Oklahoma where 429 people were killed.
Reviewing current issues Kim comments that it is hard to believe that there is no recognition of natural immunity after infection nor preventive treatments when discussing COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus mandated vaccinations. Epoch Times reports a cruise ship disembarking from New Orleans, with all vacationers and crew members vaccinated, is reporting at least 10 people with COVID-19. New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio mandates COVID-19 vaccinations for all private businesses in New York. Nevada imposes a surcharge that takes effect next year on all workers who have not received a COVID-19 vaccination. Drugs and crime have escalated to horrific conditions at Union Station in Denver during the past year.
Frequent guest Josh Philipp, award-winning investigative reporter for The Epoch Times and host of Crossroads, joins Kim for a robust discussion on COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus mandates, the new variant Omicron, and the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell. Josh explains that DeBlasio is a communist and it is no surprise that he leaves office with an edict demanding all private businesses implement forced vaccinations on their employees. It is politics over the well-being of the people. New Yorkers do not necessarily see this as a problem of the left and instead it is seen as a problem of the individual. The Omicron variant has proven to be mild but politicians and bureaucrats are using it to keep and expand their emergency powers to reignite their power of fear over the people. Science is Fauci in the eyes of many, which has been proven wrong many times over. The Democrats are overplaying their hand and may have a tremendous loss of power after the 2022 election. Josh reflects briefly on his family’s experience at Pearl Harbor as his great grandfather was a chief steward in the Navy. Josh refers to December 7th as the day Americans woke up. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ran a pedophile ring for the elite. Unfortunately, many people have refused to testify and the judge will not allow disturbing evidence into the public arena. Josh ends optimistically stating that if you look at the world it may look hopeless but it is not. We have hit an extreme low point in our country’s history and we will reverse this. The mainstream media, large corporations, and corrupt politicians do not have a problem with tyranny as long as they have power and control. “We the People” will reclaim our Founding Heritage and our Liberty.
Today concludes the three-part series with Major General Raaen, Jr. His personal story is a must to listen to and understand. We truly “Stand...
Art Club, the documentary, tells the story of Erin Lee and her family’s journey regarding transgender activists targeting children. Lee and filmmaker Kevin Lundberg...
Guest Jay Davidson, founder, chairman, and CEO of First American State Bank, discusses with Kim the challenges America is facing today. Sue Moore from...