Check out recent podcasts and op-eds on The Kim Monson Show website including op-eds by Rick Turnquist, Exactly Wrong – Democrats and Crime, and Patti Kurgan, Kings of Kings, and Lord of Lords. One question that is constant throughout history is: Who is ruling, and is rule via freedom or force and coercion? Biden ramps up fear with his statement, “get ready for a winter of illness and death.” America’s Veteran’s Stories this Sunday will feature Marine Veteran Rick McFadden explaining General George Patton’s WWII prayer at the Battle of the Bulge. Listen in at 3pm, Sunday on KLZ 560 AM, KLZ 100.7 FM, the KLZ website, or the KLZ app. Army World War II Veteran Lou Zoghby, who fought at the Battle of the Bulge, tells his story at 10pm, Sunday and learn about the Korean War Battle of the Chosin Reservoir from Marine Korean War Veteran Marty Letellier Saturday at 10pm. Kim suggests listeners tune into the new Reggie Carr I’m a Uniter show Friday morning, 9-10am on the KLZ platforms. Heather McDonald has a piece in Spectator World that points out that PBIs (Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties) keep fear running rampant relative to COVID-19; one element is to omit relative context. Biden is to deploy the military to distribute 500 million COVID test kits. Illinois governor Jay Pritzker has financial ties to COVID test manufacturers. Colorado Senator Michael Bennett seeks to “pack the judicial bench.” Polis appoints Ken Montera as CU Regent to replace Chance Hill who has moved out of state. The Colorado 2022 legislative session begins next month. The radical left may be extremely aggressive as Republicans have an opportunity of retaking the state senate. Denver parking meter rates double at the beginning of 2022.
Lorne Levy, mortgage specialist with Polygon Financial Group, will be in the office over the holidays to help with any mortgage rate information. Rates are currently steady. If there is a “Santa Claus” stock rally, rates may have a slight increase. Give Lorne a call at 3030-880-8881 or visit his website.
Guest Dede Chism is co-founder and CEO of Bella Health & Wellness, 303-789-4968. Bella is a comprehensive healthcare facility founded seven years ago. Bella provides hands on, personalized care for the whole individual. Kim and Dede begin with a discussion of Roe vs. Wade. Dede’s healthcare practice can help women who have taken the abortion pill in a panic. Dede’s health providers treat all women with respect and can administer a process that will reverse the abortion pill’s effects. There are over 60 million babies that have been aborted in America since the Supreme Court Roe vs Wade decision. It was sad to see the anger by pro-abortion groups on the Supreme Court steps as the recent case was being heard. We must pray that women who have had an abortion understand forgiveness. The Omicron variant of COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus is here. It appears that it is more contagious but milder than other variants. Omicron has fewer hospitalizations and deaths. Bella has had 4000 related COVID-19 cases since March, 2020, with zero deaths and less than twenty hospitalizations. Dede encourages people to be proactive and highly recommends the following: Vitamin C 1000-2000mg/day and triple if sick, Vitamin D 5000 units daily and double if sick, Zinc 50 mg daily and double if sick, Quercetin 500mg daily and double if sick, Tumeric 500 mg daily and double if sick, and 2 or 3 times per day rinsing with a Listerine. You can only get antibodies if you have had COVID-19. It makes no sense that PBIs are not acknowledging antibodies. People must be equipped to advocate for themselves. Be prepared ahead of time.
It's Liberty Toastmaster's Day on the Kim Monson Show. Members of Liberty Toastmasters join Kim to explain how the essence of liberty is the...
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler joins Kim to discuss his latest Substack piece, No Inquest Will Be Forthcoming Due to Lack of GOP Senate Majority. Expert...
Alvin Lui with Courage is a Habit explains how ASCA (American School Counselor Association) influences the adoption of Critical Race Theory propaganda in public...