Ron Hanks on Colorado Politics

January 17, 2022 00:56:58
Ron Hanks on Colorado Politics
The Kim Monson Show
Ron Hanks on Colorado Politics

Jan 17 2022 | 00:56:58


Show Notes

Check out Kim’s website for two significant events. February 19, 2022, Kim and Helen Raleigh, author and Senior Contributor to The Federalist, will conduct a Media Training Workshop. Information can be found here. Additionally, Kim will co-moderate the Longmont Republican Women’s Republican Senate Candidate Forum on January 29, 2022, at 7 pm. Click here for more information to hear from those running to replace Michael Bennet in the U.S. Senate.

Australian tennis star Novak Djokovic is deported after losing his visa battle regarding his vaccination status. We must not forget Polis’ radical policies as he attempts to paint himself as a libertarian cutting the taxes and fees that he and his fellow Democrats implemented. Polis’ actions show, “rules are for thee, not for me.” Kim notes that Polis did not pay federal income taxes for several years and took advantage of notable tax credits and deductions. He did not pay his “fair share.” Polis’ chief of staff hired himself as an outside contractor while he continued to be on the government payroll. Finally, FOP’s Friends of Polis started an “all-volunteer” COVID Citizens Software organization, which included phone tracking of individuals, ultimately paying $1.6 million. The truth will prevail.

Guest, state Representative Rod Pelton HD-65 and candidate for Colorado Senate District 35, defends rural Colorado. With a Democrat majority, Colorado legislators are passing laws focused on cities and not on rural Colorado. Many new rules and regulations are unfunded, financially hurting rural communities. The assault on energy, which powers rural life, is felt daily, as Rod calls it the “big squeeze.” Farmers and ranchers care about their crops and livestock. Farmers and ranchers are good stewards of the land. Visit to learn more about Rod’s candidacy. 

The Bill of the Day is HB22-1015, Off-label Use of Approved Drugs to Treat COVID-19. Per the summary, the bill will allow “certain healthcare providers to repurpose therapeutic drugs that have been approved by the federal food and drug administration for another purpose to provide treatment to individuals with COVID-19.”

State Representative for House District 60 and candidate for the U.S. Senate Ron Hanks joins Kim to discuss Colorado politics. After serving in the military for 32 years, Ron now works “for the people” to move the state out of radical left hands. Election integrity is one of his top concerns. A recent Rasmussen poll showed that 59% of Americans believe there was fraud in the 2020 election and the percentage keeps increasing; this includes 41% of Democrats who acknowledged fraud. We must have free, fair, and honest elections. Ironically, Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser proclaims an edict stipulating photo ID and vaccination cards are necessary to enter any bar, restaurant, etc.. Still, she advocates that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist. It is Constitutional that states, not the federal government, control voting laws. Ron endorses counterfeit detection paper for ballots and calls for voter roll reform. Every citizen has the right to vote, and with that comes a responsibility to know what s/he is voting for. The Trump economy was humming until the reaction to Covid and when Biden came into office. We must bring manufacturing back to America. We need energy policies that reclaim our energy independence. National security is a huge concern. Ron concludes that we must understand the importance of the 2020 election to secure the 2022 election. provides additional information on Ron’s stand on issues.

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