The Collusion Between Big Government and Big Business

May 24, 2021 00:56:27
The Collusion Between Big Government and Big Business
The Kim Monson Show
The Collusion Between Big Government and Big Business

May 24 2021 | 00:56:27


Show Notes

Kim starts out strong with the Battle of Ideas, Freedom vs Force-Force vs. Freedom, adding coercion as a new element of force. It has been reported that Polis is setting up a $1 million lottery to incentivize people to get the “COVID vaccination,” which in reality is an experimental drug that has not been approved by the FDA. Kim apologizes for the challenges Thursday regarding the Candid COVID Conversation and notes that the recording of the web event is online without any interruptions. HB21-1321 Voter Transparency in Ballot Measures is based on envy, is dishonest, and will grow government. The Lundberg Newsletter sums up the disastrous Colorado session this year-based on bills that will most probably be signed by the governor regarding limiting your Second Amendment rights, Colorado’s haven for illegal aliens, transportation and taxes, global warming crisis narrative, public health option, shutting down our electric utilities, and election integrity.

Jason McBride, Vice President with Presidential Wealth Management, sees underlying pressure with market selling. There are strong earnings reports coming out. Jason offers, with no obligation, a risk assessment of your portfolio. Give Jason a call at 303-694-1600.

Guest Jay Davidson, CEO and Founder of First American State Bank, addresses the collusion between big government and big business as they are the two most powerful entities and go hand-in-hand to influence policy and kill competition. The “revolving financial chair” is one example of the interweaving of the two as the same people go in and out of government filling top financial positions. The Battle of Ideas is an ideology based on freedom of the individual or control by the state citing government as the solution. Our Constitutional Republic is not about having people dependent on government but instead recognizing the rights of the individual to flourish and prosper. Jay explains “velocity of money” and its impact on inflation. Quantitative Easing (QE) is harming the economy as the Treasury Department is printing money to keep up with Congressional spending. Jay notes that we have not yet seen the economic effects of possible trillions of dollars of spending under the Biden/Harris/Rice administration policies. Elon Musk is a great example of how someone who is extremely smart and innovative has taken advantage of government subsidies that begs the question, “Why can’t electric cars stand on their own without the use of taxpayer’s money?” Many will remember the Solyndra debacle and wasted money. Jay ends with Benjamin Franklin’s words, I give you “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

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