Dr. Dana Cheng, senior editor of The Epoch Times, gives an update on the Coronavirus. Former state Senator Tim Neville, representing Republican Liberty Caucus of Colorado, reviews bills from the Capitol. A look at HB20-1294. Jason McBride clarifies negative interest rates.
The post The Communist Party and the Cornoavirus appeared first on The Kim Monson Show.
Joseph Pearce of the Imaginative Conservative joins Kim to discuss the wonderful G.K. Chesterton. A look at the Democrat's impeachment of President Trump. The...
Kim and Terri Goon, president of Liberty Toastmasters North, open the lines to fellow Toastmasters members for their thoughts regarding “Table Topics:” protecting individual...
Guest Paul LoNigro, a group insurance analyst with GIA, explains the consequences of HB20-1349, HB20-1158, and SB20-05. State House Representative Kim Ransom joins Kim...