The Market and the World’s Reaction to the Handling of the Coronavirus

April 15, 2020 00:56:34
The Market and the World’s Reaction to the Handling of the Coronavirus
The Kim Monson Show
The Market and the World’s Reaction to the Handling of the Coronavirus

Apr 15 2020 | 00:56:34


Show Notes

Jason McBride with Presidential Wealth Management joins Kim to review the stock market’s reaction to viruses and media mentions in the past 20 years, including SARS, Zika, Ebola and COVID-19. Matt Durkin, Candidate for JeffCO DA, relays statistics that show criminal activity, especially domestic violence, is up during this current stay-at-home order as criminals are being released from jail. Giuliana Day rallies up the troops to join her in a Townhall Meeting this Friday, April 17th, at 6pm on Facebook Live.

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