The State of the Colorado GOP

June 16, 2021 00:56:09
The State of the Colorado GOP
The Kim Monson Show
The State of the Colorado GOP

Jun 16 2021 | 00:56:09


Show Notes

Priscilla Rahn joins Kim in-studio to discuss Priscilla’s new role as Vice-Chair of the Colorado Republican Party and the sexual allegations regarding Tay Anderson. First, Jen Hulan, owner of Waters Edge Winery, invites families to bring their dads into the winery for good food and great wine this coming Sunday for Father’s Day. Follow Jen at, Facebook or Instagram.

Colorado University Regent Chance Hill explains the resolution he is proposing on Thursday (June 17th) to reverse the CU bureaucratic mandate that all faculty and students must have the Wuhan-China/COVID-19 experimental drug in order to be on campus for the fall term. The experimental drug vaccine is administered under an Emergency Use Authorization and is not approved by the FDA. Chance strongly believes in individual choice and not a bureaucrat (part of the fourth branch of government) directing personal life choices that may have lasting, and potentially negative, effects. Chance believes that students are being coerced into taking the vaccination because if they do not, they will not get the education they are pursuing. This should not be an opt-out but an opt-in individual decision. Colorado University is supporting a propaganda vaccine narrative to the students.

Kim and Priscilla discuss the state of the Colorado GOP. Priscilla sees hard working people standing up for freedom, liberty and limited government with enthusiasm and practicality as the Democrat party attempts to control every aspect of our lives. Excessive taxation, as seen with the new Colorado gas tax hidden as a “fee” of 14 cents/gallon, is a problem for pocket books and part of government induced inflation through policy. We are living in a false economy with Wuhan-China virus/COVID-19 relief money flooding states. Polis says he is a libertarian as he finally admits to “phase out” his usage of emergency orders after creating or amending 400 plus executive orders; he is a tyrant. A North Korean defector now a student at Columbia sees communism and suppression of speech at college reminiscent of what she saw in North Korea, the Communist country she fled from. Priscilla tells her own remarkable story of her mother, during the Korean War, chasing a train with her older sister to reach “freedom.”

Kim and Priscilla turn their attention to the sexual allegations against Tay Anderson, Denver Public School Board Director. As an educator, Priscilla is concerned about the 62 students, all but 1 undocumented who have alleged Tay Anderson sexual assault. Priscilla affirms that all children must be protected, kept safe, and taken seriously. Due process is Anderson’s Constitutional Right. If an employee of the district is accused of sexual assault charges, s/he would immediately be put on leave. The same should apply to school board directors. It should be noted that Anderson has been an employee at North High School and has continued access to children. We must hold all parties accountable. Priscilla explains that school curriculum is grooming children for sexualization, particularly before puberty and this must stop. Kim notes that our kids are falling behind. We must teach our kids Math instead of masturbation.

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