Vote No on 2E!

October 19, 2021 00:57:13
Vote No on 2E!
The Kim Monson Show
Vote No on 2E!

Oct 19 2021 | 00:57:13


Show Notes

George Allen, founder of Citizens for Tax Fairness, joins Kim in studio to discuss taxes, specifically the vote NO on the Lone Tree city retail tax increase of 55%.  Kim encourages listeners to visit The Kim Monson Show website to view We the People Voter’s Guide.  While you are there, Brad Beck has a new op-ed, Help Wanted, along with Patti Kurgan’s, Proposition 119:  Cronyism’s LEAP “For the Children.”  Vote No on Prop 119.  Prop 119 is a new retail marijuana tax that establishes an unaccountable and unelected board “for the children.”  Press Secretary Jen Psaki gives Biden and his wife cover as the couple are spotted inside a posh Washington, D.C area restaurant without masks.  Psaki states, “Don’t overly focus on moments in time.”  Universities deputize students and distribute yellow shirts to snitch on their fellow students regarding mask wearing and unsocial distancing.  Steven Rosenblum, candidate for Boulder City Council, is stepping forward because of the decline in public safety and infrastructure challenges in Boulder.  He believes politics has corrupted the community and that a respectful conversation must happen between those with opposing views.  There is so much more that unites our communities than divides us.  Steve is readily available to have the conversation to ensure a safe environment for today and future generations.


George Allen has been involved in analyzing tax situations for quite some time.  He has saved Colorado taxpayers over $300 million through his advocacy work.  George understands it’s best for individuals to keep their hard-earned money in their own pocket and not hand it over to the overreaching government.  When the government is big, the individual is small.  As Milton Freidman said, it is best to contain the public sector and let the private sector innovate and produce.  The Lone Tree City retail sales increase of 55% is built on many false premises.  Vote NO!  There is no historical financial crisis.  There is no need to purchase the Wildlife Experience.  There is no data to support the premise that the tax growth will be static for the next 14 years.  Lone Tree has an excellent economic base that will grow.  Looking at the increase in taxes in dollars, it is projected to collect and additional $15 million per year, $150 million over a ten-year span.  Interesting that the city of Lone Tree has a projected $60 million deficit if the tax is not implemented.  At a $150 million minimum new tax revenue increase, it is about two and a half times more than the projected deficit.  Vote NO on Lone Tree Question 2E.

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