As you vote your ballot make sure you have Kim’s We the People Voter’s Guide. Take a stand on all the statewide issues. Vote NO on City of Lone Tree Question 2E. Vote NO on Proposition 119, Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program. As one person stated so eloquently, LEAP is the Leftists End run Around the People. Patti Kurgan’s op-ed, Proposition 119: Cronyism’s LEAP “For the Children,” analyzes the proposition. The radical left contracts the economy via policies which result in long lasting negative effects on the unemployed and retirees. Biden’ government induced gas shortages are moving us to dependence on Russia and OPEC. Remember under the last administration that America was energy independent.
Courtney Potter, candidate for Adams-12, is extremely disappointed in the current board’s attitude towards parents. Courtney will be the voice of parents and advocate for children and their families. Courtney states that CRT, Critical Race Theory, is divisive and dangerous. She will emphasize safety, transparency and fiscal responsibility as a board member. She believes masking of children should be decided by parents. Lorne Levy, mortgage specialist with Polygon Financial (303-880-8881), reports that rates are stable at the present time. Rumors are floating that there may be a slowing of bond buying by the Federal Reserve because of inflation. Lorne notes some seniors may want to take advantage of the equity of their home. For some, a reverse mortgage may be the best strategy for financial security.
Kim remarks on an important article by Jake Fogleman, Lessons for Colorado from Europe’s Energy Crisis. Europe is experiencing energy and food shortages. Their energy costs have risen 33%. Xcel predicts that Colorado’s energy costs will rise 14.4% this winter season. Colorado is fossil fuel rich but has been squeezed by government policies. Bob Boswell, Chairman and CEO of Laramie Energy, joins Kim to discuss the situation. He states it is simply a case of supply and demand right now. As the government adds more taxes and regulates the industry, there will be less supply. The nation is no longer energy independent. Renewables is not the answer as we see the negative ramifications as both Californians and Texans have suffered due to failures of renewables. Remember, a lot of people get hurt on the road to utopia.
In his latest essay, Rick Turnquist compares free-market capitalism, the only socio-economic system proven to enhance human flourishing, and socialism, a socio-economic system proven...
Today is a special Friday, Good Friday. Sunday brings us Hope, Happy Easter! Christ does not push people to accept Him but gives people...
Experts note that there are 58,000 deaths of despair for every 1% increase in unemployment. In this podcast Pam Long, West Point Graduate and...