What is the Difference Between Individual Rights and Entitlements?

February 25, 2021 00:56:42
What is the Difference Between Individual Rights and Entitlements?
The Kim Monson Show
What is the Difference Between Individual Rights and Entitlements?

Feb 25 2021 | 00:56:42


Show Notes

Kim invites Marshall Dawson, President of Liberty Toastmasters North into the studio. Listening is a key ingredient in productive conversations. Sunday’s Americans Veterans Stories at 3-4pm on KLZ will feature one of the very few Marine female WW II veterans. People who are smart tend to be avid readers. Colorado HB21-1115, Board Of Health Member Requirements, would overrule home rule. Business owners should be on health boards after the economic losses suffered by numerous businesses due to Wuhan-China virus disruption restrictions enacted by the health boards.

Dr. Jill Vecchio joins Kim to discuss the constitutionality of a forced vaccine. Some people in specific professions are facing job insecurity through threats. Know your rights and seek support if you are being bullied. Dr. Vecchio strongly encourages listeners to view a debate between Alan Dershowitz and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfnJi7yLKgE. International law regarding vaccines is discussed. We always have the right to informed consent.

Jason McBride, Senior Vice President with Presidential Wealth Management, informs listeners that the DOW has reached another record high. The NASDQ is under a little pressure with increased activity. With the markets at all time highs, give Jason a call at 303-694-1600 to discuss whether this may be time to convert some profit into cash, especially as inflation speculation is a current headline.

Kim and Marshall invite members of Toastmasters Club North and Denver to address two key questions: What is the difference between individual rights and entitlements? Is there a right to violate the individual rights of others? The conversations include entitlements are through policy whereas rights are inalienable; government interference is clearly visible when entitlements are dispersed; rights do not have a cost and entitlements are a transfer of money; a right is a moral concept vs. an entitlement that is a legal concept and; each individual has the right to be productive and spend their earned income as they wish as opposed to the government taking it and subsidizing the government’s proclaimed “winner.” Kim and Marshall conclude stating that equity and equality are vastly different and we must not hesitate to let others know this.

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