Nefarious and naive, articles of Impeachment delivered, Sharyl Attkinsson files suit against Rod Rosenstein in spying scandal, homeschooling and student loan repayment costs covered in SECURE Act, Rev. C.L. Bryant: Trump support from the black community.
The post Why Black Voters Need to Support Trump appeared first on The Kim Monson Show.
Join Kim at Grand Lake’s U.S. Constitution Week main event, Saturday, September 18th. Visit for all the details. The government is “out of...
Explore Izabela Patriota's journey with Ladies of Liberty, join Paula Sarlls at the Women's Veterans Conference, and hear Trent Loos on farmland issues.
Check out for new op-eds by Rick Turnquist, Exactly Wrong – Democrats and Crime, and by Patti Kurgan, Kings of Kings, and Lord...