Matt Albright is Kim’s guest on America’s Veterans Stories broadcasting Sunday, 3pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM. Matt is the Director for Center for American Values based in Pueblo, home to the Medal of Honor Gallery. Have we lost our sense of humor in society? Cancel culture ruins almost everything but not “Let’s Go Brandon!” Mary Alpers, co-owner of Three Points Financial, discusses with Kim the advantages of working with fee only financial planning professionals. Three Points Financial encompasses all personal financial planning including tax planning, investments and retirement planning. This creates a relationship of longevity and loyalty. Mary reports that under the current version of the Biden’s Build Back Better Act, ROTH conversions are still legal. Unfortunately, this bill will really hit the middle class financially. The Congressional Budget Office is still analyzing the bill and Mary is awaiting the results.
Kim and Producer Steve review a number of recent articles. “King” Polis pens another executive order that declares that the entire state of Colorado is at high risk from COVID-19, adding that all adults are eligible for vaccine booster shots. Efficacy rates of vaccinations drop dramatically. Bill Gates acknowledges the failure of the COVID-19 vaccinations. Property rights come to mind when the University of Colorado is sued by sixteen students and faculty alleging religious discrimination relative to the vaccine mandate. Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool and sponsor of both shows, notes that the store’s inventory is the best ever and he is ready to help out all holiday shoppers. The store carries knives, beautiful handmade wood cutting boards, and many other useful items. Hal and his team are ready to assist you in your selections.
Guest Rick Turnquist, blogger and author of the recent op-ed Election 2022, shares his thoughts on last week’s election results. Virginia is a shining example of what can happen throughout the country in 2022, including Colorado. People are beginning to understand that the Democrat party has been hijacked by the radical left whose end objective is to have complete control of everyone’s life. We saw school boards throughout the country ignore parents, not allow them to speak at meetings, exhibit complete disdain and disrespect towards them. Parents were finally able to advocate for their children and vote these arrogant members off the boards. Rick cites Douglas County, Colorado as an example. Virginia turns over the state to the Republican party after many years of Democrat rule. We could see a compete change in demographics if the Biden administration continues to dump illegal immigrants in the red states. “If we don’t have a border, we don’t have a country.” The American Ideal is based on limited government and the rights of the individual. Get involved in the 2022 Election and watch the “red wave” spread across the nation.
r. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Jill Vecchio discuss the hypocrisy of Washington's elite April 6th superspreader event at the annual DC Gridiron dinner. They...
Larry Behrens, communications director with Power the Future, explains why smart meters are a dumb idea. Michael Brandow discusses his satirical book What’s the...
Guest Pam Long, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, US Army Veteran, and former Medical Intelligence Officer, reports on...