Thank You for your Service, Veterans

November 11, 2021 00:56:48
Thank You for your Service, Veterans
The Kim Monson Show
Thank You for your Service, Veterans

Nov 11 2021 | 00:56:48


Show Notes

A BIG thank you to all the veterans who secured our freedoms through their service.  Their sacrifices are noted, especially those who gave their lives.  Matt Albright, Director of Center for American Values based in Pueblo, is Kim’s guest on America’s Veteran’s Stories this Sunday, 3pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM.  The “Brandon” administration acts in complete contrast to Trump’s as the Biden administration double downs on anti-American ideals, forced mandates such as no jab-no job, increased regulations and high taxes.  Kim, on Veteran’s Day, appropriately reflects on her experience in Normandy, France for the 73rd anniversary of the WWII D-Day landings.

Frequent guest Dr. Jill Vecchio joins Kim to discuss the COVID-19/Wuhan-China Virus narrative.  How did healthcare workers go from heroes to zeroes in a year?  The government is controlling what doctors can and cannot do.  Polis issues an executive order that gives him power to decide who will and will not be admitted into a hospital thereby creating two classifications of patients.  The problem at hospitals is not beds but staffing as many healthcare professionals left the industry when Polis mandated that all healthcare workers must take the experimental vaccination.  His actions violate the Hippocratic oath of “do no harm.”  Risk benefit analysis and informed consent are not part of the mandated vaccination process.  Polis’ actions makes one question what he will do next.  The 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people.  A true healthcare free market will bring down costs, increase access and improve quality.  Governor Polis is setting up two classifications of people:  vaccinated and unvaccinated.  Epoch Times is the media leader in reporting medical discrimination.

Dr. Vecchio walks us through a historical perspective of nationalized healthcare.  Karl Max noted that to control the people, government should control healthcare.  Medicare and Medicaid began in the 1960’s under Johnson’s socialized programs.  Obamacare was signed in 2010, which strengthened government control of healthcare, and made it more difficult for small medical practices to survive.  Many doctors sold their practices to large corporations.  Most physicians now practice under large corporations which is destroying the patient-doctor relationship.  Doctors must obey the corporation’s demands (i.e. vaccine mandates) so that they can continue to practice and make a living.  Big business and big government like each other.  Big business influences big government PBI’s (Politicians, Bureaucrats and Interested Parties) to write regulations that favor the corporations.  Corporations write checks to the politicians/candidates.  We are witnessing a major transition in the medical industry:  caring, ethical and moral individuals are changing his/her standards to comply to mandates and regulations.  This leads to vicious behavior, to the point that patients are used as experiments (current vaccinations) and some are killed in the process.  We have seen this transition over the past twenty plus months.  Dr. Vecchio and Kim state that Americans are strong and are observant.  Call your representatives and stand up so your voice will be heard.

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