Is Colorado Creating an Anti-Business Climate?

December 13, 2021 00:57:22
Is Colorado Creating an Anti-Business Climate?
The Kim Monson Show
Is Colorado Creating an Anti-Business Climate?

Dec 13 2021 | 00:57:22


Show Notes

Kim points out that unpredictable and excessive taxation along with government induced inflation affect everyone, especially those on a fixed income.  Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proposes $8 million in the state budget to fund the move of illegal immigrants, flown in the middle of the night into Florida by the Biden administration, to Delaware (Biden’s home state) and Marth’s Vineyard (Obama’s residence).  On Friday Jared Polis, in an CPR interview, stated that the COVID-19/Wuhan-China virus emergency is over.  He adds that he will not implement a state mask mandate since he shouldn’t tell people what to wear.  And the very next day, he walks his comments back.  A recent poll has Polis at a 49% favorable rating, and he is vulnerable in the 2022 election.  Kim examines HR 550, Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021, introduced in late January and passed in the U.S. House of Representatives on November 30th.  All republicans who voted for this legislation should be primaried.  HR 550 is titled “To amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to immunization system data modernization and expansion, and for other purposes.”  Kim encourages all listeners to contact the their senators and congressmen, especially Hickenlooper who sits on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and tell them to vote “NO” for this bill.  This legislation is unconstitutional as it is a direct affront to the 4th Amendment.

Danielle Greene with Kirsch Insurance Group discusses the next open enrollment period, January 1-March 31, 2022, for Medicare.  This upcoming period is for all Medicare Advantage plans.  The Part B portion price is increasing to $170.10 from $148.50, the largest increase in many years.  Many Medicare recipients will be affected and now is the time to talk to an expert.  You can visit their website Kirsch Insurance Group or contact them at 303-397-7830.  Knowledge is power.

Guest and sponsor of the show Roger Hays, owner of Premier Employer Services, a back office professional firm that helps companies navigate payroll, insurance, employee benefits and other HR management duties, informs Kim and listeners that the name of the firm changes January 1, 2022, to PASSIO HR.  Premier Employer Services/PASSIO HR frees up business owners so they can concentrate on their product or service.  Roger and Kim discuss current policy issues that are on the horizon as 2021 comes to a close.  The labor shortage impacts businesses, especially small and mid-size, as they struggle with the “Great Resignation.”  All the government handouts this past year have taught many people they do not have to work to get money.  Inflation is another hit on businesses.  The Colorado Supreme Court recently ruled that employers must pay all accrued “PTO,” Paid Time Off, when someone leaves the company.  “Big Business,” with the aid of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are pushing immigration policies that provide cheap labor.  This is just one reason we are seeing non-enforcement of border laws.  Government is expanding the H1-B Visa program for additional “cheap labor.”  Colorado is looking at legislation that will void employee arbitration and all lawsuits against an employer, many of them frivolous, will be heard in court.  The Colorado Democrats are also looking at allowing an employee to choose any doctor in workman compensation claims. This opens up opportunity for fraud in workman comp claims.  The Democrats have a “trifecta” with the Colorado House, Senate and Governorship and are able to get their policies through with little resistance.  Elections have consequences.  Get involved and vote for free and fair market representatives.

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