Kim reports on Polis’ disingenuous narrative that he is not forcing mandates while using his bureaucratic agencies to implement COVID-19 mandates, including vaccinations. It is rumored students are receiving the “jab” at school without parental knowledge. Republicans who helped Democrats pass the infrastructure bill in D.C. must be held accountable and primaried. President “Brandon’s” policies will lead to the destruction of the middle class. Employees are losing their jobs because of their rightful refusal to get the “jab.” Rules and regulations, including licensing, must be eliminated to open entrepreneurial avenues for the unemployed. This most probably will never be seen under a Polis or Biden administration. Polis calls for taxpayers to pay for four additional staffers to aid in public relations, which begs the question: Is this to make him look good during his reelection campaign using taxpayer funds? Irresponsible government spending! Meanwhile, Polis calls for more fees and taxes that will be “fair” to all as it is reported he paid no taxes for three years. Polis can afford an accounting firm to look for tax loopholes as opposed to a small business owner who cannot. Interesting to note that climate change advocates fly in their own private planes to the global summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Affordable, efficient and reliable energy cannot be taken for granted as the climate czars attack fossil fuels on a global level. The closing of Pueblo’s Comanche 3 coal plant proves more difficult than imagined as wind and solar prove to be inefficient.
Guest Alex Kuehler, RNC Southwest Communications Director, digs into the OSHA vaccination mandate that is granted an emergency stay by the New Orleans-based Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Biden today is advocating to ignore the ruling and implement the vaccination mandate. This is in opposition to Biden stating this past summer that there will be no vaccination mandate. Biden’s fine for non-compliance can reach $130,000. Alex expects the case to be merged with other court cases across the country for one combined case. Alex recommends for employees and employers to continue their daily business as it may be a few months before the one combined case is introduced in court. This tyrannical power control exhibited by the Democrats hinders employees and production. Democrats have become the party of the elites who want to have complete control over all people. Virginia has proven that people are awakening to the Democrat “fat cats” that want to take our freedom and control our lives. The Democrats are willing to take on more debt, which increases inflation, in order crush the middle class. We must not be complacent. We must put our faith in our Divine Provider.
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler on vaccinations, Trent Loos on Iowa's Eminent Domain for Carbon Solutions, and Donna Tompkins updates Protect Kids Colorado petition signatures.
Kim welcomes to the studio Allen Thomas, millennial and author to introduce his Op-Ed Compassionate Student Loan Forgiveness. Socialism is not sustainable. There is...
The Colorado legislature currently has a threesome of anti-1st Amendment bills which aim to hide public school officials’ misconduct. Pam Long notes that one...