Still Unfit to Govern

August 20, 2021 00:57:22
Still Unfit to Govern
The Kim Monson Show
Still Unfit to Govern

Aug 20 2021 | 00:57:22


Show Notes

An internal memo from the State Department warned Biden and others that the potential was high for the collapse of Kabul if U.S. troops withdraw by the end of August.  At a recent luncheon, Kim could see frustration in the eyes of Coopers Troopers members due to the lack of leadership pertaining to Afghanistan.  Kim questions the Afghani ”men” Biden and Polis want to bring to Colorado.  What men leave their families, wives and children behind?  Biden’s actions are an affront to the military and to our citizens.  No concern for hard-working Coloradans.  Division is the primary tool of the left.  Starting early, they sexualize our children and teach racism.  Secretary of State Griswold replaces Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters, who is under investigation by Griswold’s office.  Tina states she has records to show manipulation of the Dominion machines.  On America’s Veterans Stories Kim interviews Doug Chamberlain.  Doug served in Vietnam and once was ordered to leave a man behind, unheard of in the Marines.  Doug shares his story in his book Bury Him: A Memoir of the Vietnam War. Army Veteran Ray McPadden served two tours in Afghanistan and two tours in Iraq. Ray shares his thoughts regarding current events in Afghanistan and his new book We March at Midnight. The interview broadcasts this Sunday at 3pm and 10pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM.

Peter Yu, Candidate for U.S. Senate, discusses the attacks he has received due to his comments during a presentation to the Log Cabin Republicans, that the racism narrative is a lie.  Peter’s family came to America from China via Hong Kong.  He and his six siblings have lived the American Dream.  His personal story speaks the truth.  For more information about Peter and his campaign visit

Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife & Tool ( talks with Kim about the very difficult times we are living in.  Our freedom is eroding.  Biden’s statements, as we watch the tragedy unfold in Afghanistan, is embarrassing and degrading to America as our allies lose respect for us.  Hal switches gears to list some of the quality watches he now carries.  To all our first responders and military personnel, our warriors, Hal offers a 10% discount on all products.

Frequent guest Rick Turnquist, blogger and author of the recent op-ed Still Unfit to Govern, joins Kim to update us on how bad things really are.  Rick lists some of the failures of Biden’s actions:  inflation, border crisis, and foreign policy crisis’ that includes Afghanistan, Russia and China.  We are living real life consequences as a result of Democrat policies.  The Democrat party has surrendered to the radical activists, the socialist Marxists.  In Colorado, Polis launches a full assault on the rural community, and the oil and gas industry.  His policies will denigrate the state.  Servant representation, both at the state and national level, is gone.  Rick notes that when testifying at the Colorado Capitol on bills including the gun bills in 2013 and the paid family leave bill in 2019, the disrespect shown by legislator committee members was appalling.  Being a citizen is work.  Citizens must show up and vote.  Let your voice be heard at local board meetings and state committee meetings, and do not hesitate to contact members of Congress.

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