Thank you to the Harris Family for sponsoring the Kim Monson Show.
The importance of knowing our history, especially today, is of utmost importance. Thanks to the Harris Family, today’s show sponsor, we learn how the colonists never gave up their fight to form a new nation, America. This stands in stark contrast to the continual failure of policies in the Biden/Harris/Obama/Rice administration. Mask mandates, vaccination papers to socialize, the southern border crisis are just a few examples. But it is perfectly okay to let a plane full of men from Afghanistan fly out of Kabul with no vetting? These men left their families, wives and children behind. What moral men do this?
Brittany Friar from Thompson Valley School District reports on last night’s school board meeting. She saw how orchestrated the left was in getting pro-maskers to the front of the line to make comments to the board. What they didn’t expect was 200-300 people attending the meeting. After about twelve pro-maskers spoke, approximately one hundred of the free the mask on children group were able to comment. Clearly the scientific evidence is not there for masking children as the leftist activists are working so hard to mask students. Correspondence between a school board member and a county commissioner exhibits possible collusion on forced mask wearing of children. Parents are being pressured. The result of this meeting: a “temporary” mask mandate for students with no termination date. Stand up. Say, “NO!” Volunteer to see what is going on in the schools. Vote. Elections have consequences. Board of Education seats are on the ballot in November.
Guest Ben Martin, West Point Graduate, Army Ranger and patriotic historian, joins Kim to analyze the Philadelphia Campaign in 1777. British Generals Howe, Burgoyne and Clinton, all suffered from the same debilitating alignment, ambition and avarice. These traits lead to the most powerful military in the world being crushed by the rebellious colonists over time. In the British quest to seize Philadelphia, the seat of the Second Continental Congress and the center of the founding of a new nation, they temporarily seized it but eventually abandoned it. Much of the British failure can be directly related to the arrogant actions of these three generals and how they fought amongst themselves to become the sole commander of the British troops. Ben walks us through step by step the campaign beginning with the 33 day British voyage that lands on the northern end of the Chesapeake Bay with 17,000 men and over 265 ships. The British had a great awakening during this campaign, the American troops cannot be taken for granted.
In a supermajority, when one party has control over the House, Senate, and Governor’s office, the majority can pass almost any bill into law....
Kim and Steve discuss the historic decision by the SCOTUS to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Candidate interviews with Rae Ann Weber, Mark Baisley, Ron...
Urban and transportation expert Randal O’Toole addresses solutions to government run housing. Art Arthur with the Center for Renewing America shares updates on Congress...