The American Covenant

December 27, 2021 00:57:17
The American Covenant
The Kim Monson Show
The American Covenant

Dec 27 2021 | 00:57:17


Show Notes

Today is Boxing Day.  This holiday originated in Great Britain and its’ colonies as a day British upper classes gave “boxes” of gifts to their household staff that worked on Christmas.  Another Boxing Day tradition is that churches put out boxes for people to give money for the poor and the money was distributed the day after Christmas.  Kim and Producer Steve discuss General George Washington’s famous American Revolution victories, during Christmas, at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton and the bravery of the men who served our new nation.

Guest Dr. Marshall Foster, founder of World History Institute and author of the book The American Covenant:  The Untold Story, joins Kim for a robust conversation on tyranny and preserving the American Idea through the lens of America’s Covenant, a covenant between America and our Creator.  It was 3500 years ago that the first covenant was written between Abraham and God.  The world has struggled with freedom and tyranny throughout the ages.  America’s compact with God was written by free people and is the basis of our Declaration of Independence which ends with the words:  “We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”  The Great Awakening is happening now as people are taking action to restore our founding principles and are reclaiming our commitments to God.  God is a gracious God and He is a forgiving God.  This is the year to reclaim our Constitutional Republic’s principles, and we must engage at the local level of government where individuals can exert more influence.  We must use our Constitution, our Bible, our money, our time and our character, within our local communities, to restore our American principles now for ourselves, our children and future generations.  Dr. Foster and Kirk Cameron have a number of “American Campfire Revival” groups across the nation.  Take the time to learn about and consider becoming a member of one.  It is the grassroots that will restore America.

Marlin Kirsch, owner of Kirsch Insurance Group discusses the next open enrollment period, January 1-March 30, 2022, for Medicare.  This is a new enrollment period where participants can change their Medicare Advantage plans.  Knowledge is power and you may find a better plan for your particular healthcare situation as some plans will pay for Part B and others have changed their co-pay charges.  Check out their website, Kirsch Insurance Group, or contact them directly at 303-397-7830.

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