Yes, Virginia, Christ Really Was Born on December 25

December 24, 2021 00:59:01
Yes, Virginia, Christ Really Was Born on December 25
The Kim Monson Show
Yes, Virginia, Christ Really Was Born on December 25

Dec 24 2021 | 00:59:01


Show Notes

Kim and Producer Steve share their family Christmas traditions, the theme of today’s show.  This Christmas Eve Kim welcomes Bill Federer, host of American Minute, speaker, and author of many books including There Really is a Santa Claus:  The History of Saint Nicholas & Christmas Holiday Traditions.  Bill begins with the Dead Sea Scrolls giving us evidence that Christ was born on December 25th.  Bill then shares the historical importance of St. Nicholas (270-343) over the centuries.  St. Nick worked to help the poor in their time of need.  He began his mission when he anonymously threw money into people’s homes so that people would give credit to the church and subsequently the term “Secret of Gift Giving” emerged.  Other references familiar to us today that have strong connections to St. Nicholas include breakfast, Christ Cross, Christkindl, St. Patrick’s three leaf clover, Wednesday, Evergreen trees, and the nativity scene.  St. Nicholas’ influence can also be noted in the writings of Washington Irving and Charles Dickens, and various cities throughout the world including Gotham City.  Bill also explains how St. Nicholas became the Patron Saint of Pawnbrokers, Patron Saint of Russia and Patron Saint of the Dutch.  Bill concludes his discussion with many noteworthy historical events on Christmas Day.

Show sponsor Steve Cruice, co-owner of Three Points Financial, encourages listeners to get organized for year end.  Three Points Financial provides a check list of mandatory document retention, including income tax returns.  Steve can also provide a resource to help you get all your financial information from all accounts in one place.  Email Steve at [email protected] for assistance on this.  Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool, thanks listeners for their patronage and wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas.  Hal cherishes people being with one another during this season and Kim chimes in that it is a time of reflection, Bible reading, and reading of other great classics.  Merry Christmas to one and all!

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