Freedom of the press has eroded over the years. Now there is confusion and chaos in reporting, and seeking the truth has evaporated. Norfolk naval base is being commanded by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Is Biden giving away our sovereignty?
Kim and Patti Kurgan discuss Patti’s most recent op-ed, Colorado Initiative 25: LEAP for Who? ( These series of Op-Ed’s is seeking Truth and clarity regarding LEAP. In a recent interview with Heidi Ganahl, Executive Director of RESCHOOL Amy Anderson, states that RESCHOOL is part of the coalition supporting LEAP, Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress, and “That it is new money that is being raised to support learning accounts along the lines of what we are doing this summer … It’s additional money coming into the system on top of K-12 funding.” Sounds like LEAP is RESCHOOL being funded by taxpayers. This should be done in the free market. Parental choice is limited to a preselected list of vendors. It is only for “eligible children” with priority given to low income families and it is unlikely that middle class families will have access to the LEAP dollars. The Authority is governed by an unelected and unaccountable board. Finally, the core problem that our kids are falling behind in our current government run school system, is not addressed. Castlegate Knife and Tool is hosting a knife sharpening event this Thursday, August 5, from 3-6pm. Come visit the store in Sedalia and have your everyday knife sharpened.
Guest Julie Kaewert, best-selling author of mystery books, reviews Sharyl Attkisson’s book Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism. Ms. Attkisson witnessed from the inside, the movement of reporting the facts to reporting the narrative. Some of her news stories were not published because she reported the truth based on facts. Two examples are her stories on the Boeing Dreamliner and the 2013 Green Energy bill. Suppression of reporting the facts dates back to Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Obama. They used government to harass journalists, including Ms. Attkisson; her computer was bugged by both the DOJ and the FBI under Bob Mueller. Julie and Kim also discuss LEAP. Julie states that our young people are being crippled by not being told the truth and instead taught the narrative. It was leaked to Slate that the New York Times year-long editorial content was to push the concept of “racism” in each story and issue. In Marxism, everything that exists needs to be destroyed. In this case, the truth. Orwell warned us of this type of journalism.
Check out Kim’s website for two significant events. February 19, 2022, Kim and Helen Raleigh, author and Senior Contributor to The Federalist, will conduct...
Princeton professor and expert regarding the Battle of Gettysburg and Lincoln Dr. Allen Guelzo joins Kim to talk about Lincoln, Gettysburg, and his upcoming...
Guest Lyle Laverty, former Assistant Secretary of the Interior, joins Kim in the studio to discuss fires raging in Colorado and the west. Professor...