Kim and Producer Steve ask the question, where is the coverage on Trump? And where are the fact checkers as Biden states he has driven a Mack truck? When? Join Kim on Sunday for America’s Veterans Stories at 3pm and 10pm on KLZ 560 AM and KLZ 100.7 FM to hear Air Force fighter pilot Chuck Brega, a member of a top-secret squadron after the Korean War. Ninety-nine percent of businesses are small businesses who employ over 50% of the workforce. The pandemic has caused a massive supply chain disruption. The mask mandates and forced vaccinations of an, unapproved by the FDA, experimental drug will again affect the economy and support the World Economic Forum’s agenda.
Dr. Jill Vecchio, one of very few who read The Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, shares an update on the two girls she and others are trying to get to America from Africa to receive medical care. Mother Superior and the two girls have met obstacle after obstacle since February. Through Representative Lamborn’s office, their Visas were approved and the three are ready to come to America. They are on itinerary number nine and the Ministry of Migration will not allow them to leave unless there is an exchange of money. Dr. Vecchio and Kim also discuss the World Economic Forum agenda. For it to be achieved, America must be destroyed—our economy, social structure and the American dream.
Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool ( and supporter of The Kim Monson Show, invites listeners to his knife sharpening (*staysharp) event next Thursday, August 5th, from 3-6pm at his shop in Sedalia. Hal also reminds veterans, current military and first responders of their 10% discount every day. Hal discusses the tyrannical government that is working on controlling every aspect of our life instead of protecting people’s freedoms enumerated for us in our founding documents. The culmination of radical left policies that Hal calls “creeping socialism” is seen throughout our schools, media, institutions and places of power. They continue to uproot individual freedom and western philosophy in order to elevate and stress the importance of government. They are doing this through coercion, mis-truths, omission of the truth and rewriting American history in a negative light. This is parallel to what our parents and grandparents saw during WWII. Many small business owners are stating that they will not comply with lockdowns this time based on last year’s misinformation and lies. What can you do? Resist. Take risks. Openly question what is going on. Use your voice. Challenge the anti-science and illogical rhetoric. Let your voice be heard and not silenced even if the government wants you to “shut up” and obey.
Patriotic historian Ben Martin discusses Abraham Lincoln, a divided America, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott decision. Sixth generation farmer and rancher Trent...
Jay Davidson, founder and CEO of First American State Bank, joins Kim to discuss government overreach, inflation, and inappropriate taxation. Susan Kochevar joins Kim...
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler discusses a rise in deaths for seniors and a possible correlation to Covid vaccination. Sixth generation farmer and rancher Trent Loos...