Visit Kim’s website for the latest podcasts and op-eds. Allen Thomas is in studio with Kim to talk about his latest op-ed, Court Complacency. Betty Crammer and her daughter Susan Gorman are Kim’s featured guests this Sunday on America’s Veteran’s Stories. The show broadcasts 3-4pm on KLZ 560 FM, KLZ 100.7 FM, KLZ website, and the KLZ app. Additional shows can be heard Sunday 10-11pm and Saturday 10-11pm. We must know our history and understand our founding documents. The Constitution is not a living document, it is a law document. If we do not have Constitutional rule of law, how do we live?
Steve Cruice, co-owner of Three Points Financial, explains that the company is a fee only financial planning firm. Three Points focuses on three main tiers: tax planning, investments, and retirement and financial planning. Steve explains that those that received stimulus funds will receive a letter from the IRS but will not be taxed. Those receiving child tax credit payments must remember that they have already received one-half of their allowed amount and will see the other half on their tax return.
Kim reviews yesterday’s Bill of the Day introduced by Rep. Tim Geitner, HB22-1066 Public Education Curriculum And Professional Development Information. Additionally, Rep. Ron Hanks did as he promised on Kim’s show this past Monday and introduced HB22-1085 Paper Ballot Fraud Countermeasures. Both are common sense bills. The Hill reports on record breaking reported earnings from lobbyists. Number one is the Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s lobbying team, raking in $56.3 million for the year 2021. They exert influence to protect the interests of their clients. “Follow the money.” Wednesday night both the federal election bill and the filibuster change were voted down.
Hal Van Hercke, owner of Castlegate Knife and Tool, calls in from the Shot Show in Las Vegas. Hal says Vegas is humming again, although quietly. There are about 70% of the vendors attending that normally come to this show. Hal is excited about the new products offered by MicroTech and Benchmark. Kim and Helen Raleigh, author and Senior Contributor to The Federalist, will host another Media Training Workshop centering on messaging, what to do if you get caught in a “gotcha,” and assistance on audio and video interviews as the one in February is already sold out. More information can be found here. Kim will co-moderate the Republican Senate Candidate Forum on January 29, 2022, at 7pm. For more information click here.
Allen and Kim have a robust conversation regarding his op-ed, Court Complacency. Many celebrated when the Supreme Court issued its ruling striking down the OSHA vaccine mandate but questioned when the Court upheld the HHS mandate regarding facilities that take Medicare and Medicaid. A court “bulwark” is needed, as discussed in Federalist Papers #78. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay were Federalists who believed in centralized power. Thomas Jefferson was an anti-Federalist as he believed state’s rights should have precedence. Americans must go on the offense to protect our Constitution and elect legislators that will only propose legislation that is Constitutional. We must also push legislators to repeal bad laws and elect legislators who will reduce the bureaucratic administrative state. Unfortunately, Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor and Kagan have made powerful rulings that are in opposition to the Constitution. It is our responsibility as voters to vote out legislators that will not protect our Constitutional rights.
Stand for Colorado speakers Nicole Hunt, Carolyn Martin, and Megan Kirk join Kim to speak about religious freedom, homeschooling, and medical freedom. Stand for...
Kim and Producer Steve remark that human nature is constant. America is a Democratic Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Democracies descend into mob rule....
There is something uniquely American about a rifle,” writes Nephi Cole. “For lack of better explanation, the ‘art of the rifle’ is cultural here....