Danielle Neuschwanger Explains Why She Should Be the Next Governor of Colorado

January 24, 2022 00:57:22
Danielle Neuschwanger Explains Why She Should Be the Next Governor of Colorado
The Kim Monson Show
Danielle Neuschwanger Explains Why She Should Be the Next Governor of Colorado

Jan 24 2022 | 00:57:22


Show Notes

Check out Allen Thomas’ new op-ed, Court Complacency and Patti Kurgan’s new op-ed, Colorado was the First Abortion State, Even Before Roe v. Wade, at kimmonson.com.  Patti is the researcher for the show.

This is a busy week for candidate forums.  This Thursday, January 27th, Kim will moderate the Gubernatorial Primary Candidate Forum sponsored by the Colorado Hispanic Republicans and the Windsor Gardens Republican Club.  Tickets can be purchased here.  On Saturday, January 29th, Marshall Dawson and Kim will moderate the Republican Senate Candidate Forum, sponsored by the Longmont Republican Women, the Boulder County Republican Women and the Boulder County Republicans.  Information is found here.

The Bill of the Day is sponsored by Representatives Kim Ransom and Shane Sandridge.  HB22-1100 Prohibit Discrimination COVID-19 Vaccine Status, per the summary, “prohibits an employer from taking adverse action against an employee or an applicant for employment based on the employee’s or applicant’s COVID-19 immunization status.”  The next thing that Biden wants to force on us are the N95 respirator masks.  Former FDA director Scott Gottlieb acknowledged that cloth masks do not protect an individual from airborne transmission viruses.  It is also true that the N95 (manufactured by 3M) usage label cautions the user that the respirator cannot stop viral aerosols.  Basketball great John Stockton has his Gonzaga season tickets suspended because he will not wear a mask.

Cathy Russell, author of FROM STRUGGLE TO FREEDOM: REVISING COLORADO’S SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDSdiscusses with Kim the proposed revision of Colorado’s social study standards.  There is a lack of transparency as the revisions published do not disclose what has been removed and what has been added.  The new curriculum focuses on struggle with limited resources and nothing about how humans have flourished and prospered over the last 200 years because of freedom, creativity and innovation.  Cathy gives a few examples as to the negativity of these new standards:  views are focused on scarcity, the doctrine of Dr. King is reversed, the battle of language continues as “citizens” is changed to “person,” and Europeans are defined by the perspective of imperialism and nationalism.  Rational optimism gives us hope.

Guest Danielle Neuschwanger explains to listeners why she should be the next governor of Colorado.  The two determining factors in her decision to run for governor were the 2020 election and the PAUSE Initiative which would hurt Colorado’s farming and ranching industry and create food shortages at the grocery store.  It is interesting that Polis defends Ellen Kessler, an animal activist that he appointed onto the Colorado Veterinary Board and a friend of  “First Gentleman” Marlon Reis, regarding her remark that our ranchers and cattlemen are “lazy and nasty.”  Danielle believes we should talk about “my body, my informed consent,” not “my body, my choice.”  Water is a very important issue for Colorado.  Danielle states that both water and minerals should stay in Colorado.  She believes in energy security and discusses the necessity of the oil and gas industry, geo-thermal drilling, advanced nuclear power and coal mining.  A key issue will be education.  There is an additional $6 billion for education in Colorado this year, yet it is not following the students but funding the administrative level with increased salaries.  Danielle believes parents should be involved in their children’s education, not the FBI.  Election integrity is extremely important.  Danielle notes we need photo IDs to vote and body cams on election officials.  Additional information can be found on her website.

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